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The situation: As the digital marketing associate, I was assigned to streamline and simplify the company's sales materials for discovery and pitch calls. In another project, ClearForMe wanted to navigate the landscape of beauty shopper habits to inform business objectives and goals.


The challenge: Keep the integrity of the current sales strategy, language, and tone. Find validating information to ensure that the research moves business objectives successfully.

Sales Materials â€‹



These were sent out to clients who wanted more information on specific products that ClearForMe offered.


Services: Copywriting and graphic design.

Retailer Pitchdeck:

These were sent out to clients who wanted more information on specific products that ClearForMe offered.


Services: Slide design and copywriting.

Market Research

ClearForMe needed to understand the modern beauty shopper to guide business objectives and goals. 


Services: User research, User Brain testing, and user persona creation.


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